
Tell a better story with your data.

Start for free. Improve the lives of your data stakeholders.


Everything you need to improve the lives of your data stakeholders

Publish Schemas
Declare your schema and encourage your stakeholders to request changes.
Identify Stakeholders
Publish your schemas allowing stakeholders to identify themselves as an interested party.
Encourage Collaboration
Collaborate on changes to schemas where all stakeholders can see.
Automate Notifications
Notify stakeholders of upcoming changes and other relevant information.


Paid plans starting at $200 per month

  • Up to 100 Schemas
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Notifications
  • Unlimited Teams
  • Data Insights
  • CDN Distribution
Get started today Our free plan allows for 10 services so you can try before you buy

Some of the world's most mature data teams are defining their data contracts on Schemabook!

Frequently asked questions

Can I cancel at anytime?
Yes, you have the option to revert back to a free plan in your account settings.
Do you have a free tier?
Yes! You can get started with adding an unlimited number of users and up to 10 services and schemas.
Do you plan to support other formats in the future?
Absolutely, we recently launched support for the famous "SQL" format. ActivitySchema is coming soon.
After a schema is published, can you migrate the data store?
Not right now, but soon you'll have the option to send a webhook after publishing a new schema version.
Can we pay for an entire year at once?
Yes! We'll provide a discount since you are showing us support.
Can I request a feature?
Absolutely you can! There is a support tab in the app. Click away and let us know your thoughts.

Improve your story around data. Start using Schemabook today.

Improve your data loss and service interruptions metrics right away.

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